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When Your Plants Arrive

Be sure to bring your order inside immediately after delivery and carefully unbox and unwrap your plants as soon as possible.

Check the moisture of the soil and if it’s dry, give it some water.

Place your plant in a well lit spot, out of direct sunlight and away from drafts.

Wait at least 14 days before repotting your plant.

Here’s a list of what to expect when your order arrives. 

What to expect

It is normal and expected for some leaves to turn yellow and drop as a result of shipping. Your plant may experience some degree of stress during its journey and require some time to get acclimated to its new home. If you need assistance or have any questions regarding your order please email us at info@canopyplantco.com and we’ll be happy to help with any issues. 

The picture(s) displayed on each product page are to be used as reference only. Some plants will be slightly smaller and some will be slightly larger. The plant you will receive will not be the exact plant pictured unless explicitly stated. 

Unless otherwise stated, we are "Grower's Choice". This means we will select the best plant(s) out of our current inventory to ship to you. Our commitment is to send healthy, disease and pest free plants.   

 Variegation in plants is a random mutation and the amount of variegation (ie. "high") cannot be controlled. Some variegated plants will revert. This is out of our control and we do not replace plants that revert or end up having low variegation.

 Keep in mind these are living organisms grown outside in a greenhouse setting so expect minor imperfections here and there.