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Winter Care For Your Indoor Plants

By Ryan Nash  •   2 minute read

variegated burle marx
Summer is quickly coming to a close and you may find yourself asking, "How do I care for my indoor plants now that it's starting to get cold?". 

Well, look no further!  We've compiled some helpful tips and tricks for you to care for your houseplants this winter!

1.  Light

During the fall and winter, the sun sets earlier and provides less intense light.  In order for your indoor plants to thrive you will need to either supplement their lighting needs with grow lights (Soltech Solutions has a nice selection of grow lights!), or simply move them to a brighter location in your home.  A west or south facing window will generally provide the most light.

2. Watering

As winter sets in, the sun starts to set earlier and is at a lower point in the sky, which means your houseplants will be using less energy and ultimately that means they'll need less water.  You'll find that some indoor plants will only need to be watered every 10-14 days!  Certain plants, like Hoya can go even longer without water as their thick, succulent leaves retain water. Other plants, like Alocasia may actually go dormant, shed their leaves and require much less water!

3. Fertilizer

Since your plants won't be using as much energy, it's very important that you do not fertilize your houseplants or use at least half of the recommended dosage.  Fertilizing your indoor plants while they are dormant can kill or seriously damage them.  

4. Temperature

Providing the correct temperature is necessary during the cooler months as your tropical plants are used to warm temperatures.  Most indoor plants will either go dormant or shed their leaves when temperatures drop below 50F for an extended period.  Try to maintain at least 60F for a healthy, happy plant.  Keep in mind that houseplants do not generally enjoy having hot, dry air blowing on them so make sure not to place your plants near any vents or sources of direct heat as this can damage their foliage.

5. Humidity

Humidity is something we all struggle with as houseplant lovers!  Unless you're blessed with higher than average humidity (like we are here in New Orleans!) then you will need to find a way to keep your plants happy with the proper humidity.  Some plants need higher than average humidity, like Anthurium.  Other plants will do just fine in ambient humidity.  There are many ways to increase the humidity inside your home but the top two we recommend are using a grow tent or simply purchasing a few humidifiers and run them near your plants.  A grow tent can be a big investment but your plants will thrive!

Its important that you do research for the exact indoor plants that you are caring for, as some have vastly different needs than others.

Happy Growing!


Canopy Plant Co


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