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4" Philodendron peltatum



 Bright indirect light

 Water when top 1-2" of soil is dry


Philodendron peltatum sports heart shaped, pillowy leaves that are pure green. As this species matures the leaves get quite large and showy.  This species is closely related to Philodendron pastazanum, but it is not the same plant.

Philodendron peltatum grows along the top of the soil with a terrestrial growth habit, similar to Philodendron gloriosum.

Philodendron peltatum care:

This Philodendron plant prefers a well draining soil that is rich in organic matter.  Allow the soil to dry out almost completely between watering as this particular plant does not like to sit in excess water.  Provide your plant with bright indirect light and it'll be very happy!

Additional info:

Philodendron is one of the most popular genuses of Aroid that are currently in cultivation, with over 450 named cultivars.

Philodendron vary greatly in their natural habits, but you will find a large number of them located in Latin America. Their leaves range from small to medium to large to gigantic! You'll find Philodendron with smooth, glossy foliage and some with velvety foliage!

If you allow Philodendron to climb, their foliage will usually get much larger the higher up they get. While this isn't true for all Philodendron species -- it is for most. We recommend a coco pole to really get your Philodendron growing!

For the most part, Philodendron are easy to care for.

The name Philodendron comes from the greek words "philo" (love or affection) and "dendron" (tree).

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Denice Gardner
Way to big for such a small pot.

I love my plants from Canopy, but this plant arrived in such a small pot that it could not stand up, was bone dry. I had to repot immediately, and it has struggled since. Every leaf has spots now.

Leslie Morris

Such a lovely and full plant…the leaves are beautiful..bigger than expected! One of my new favorites

April L

Taller than I expected, with about ten leaves, the two largest bigger than my hand. Perfect foliage and large healthy roots system. Very robust, hardly needs a stake for support.