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4" Alocasia Frydek (micholitziana)



 Bright indirect light

 Water when soil is mostly dry

 Loves humidity


Alocasia frydek is a species of elephant ear that has eye catching white veined green leaves with a very velvety texture.

This plant tends to stay more compact when grown as an indoor plant.  However, if grown outside Alocasia frydek will grow large leaves and can reach heights of up to 5'!

Caring for your new plant is simple.  Alocasia prefer a well draining soil rich in organic matter.  Allow your Alocasia to dry out slightly between watering.  Bright indirect light is preferred, but they will also grow nicely under lower light.

Additional information:

Alocasia is a genus of plants in the Aroid family native to many parts of Asia including but not limited to Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia.

There are at least 90 officially recognized Alocasia species, with more discovered and properly named every year. Alocasia come in all sizes, from small to large. Jewel types like Black Velvet tend to stay on the bushier, more compact side.

Alocasia are rhizomatous or tuberous and self reproduce from corms.

Alocasia can go dormant during the cooler months, so try to provide your plant with temperatures above 50deg to ensure that they stay happy and healthy during this period.

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
Alocasia micholitziana

This little cutie arrived in good condition and is pushing out a new leaf!

perfect plant

Arrived healthy and perfect! Very happy with purchase! Love Canopy Plant Co!

Brooke Ecker
Alocasia Frydek and Alocasia Black Velvet

First, the packaging on all my plants was phenomenal! Without the packaging, I have doubts that all of my plants would have made it to me safely. (Due to postal service mistakes)
Secondly, despite the postal services disregarding the label that says "This way up", one of my plants ended up with almost no top soil when it reached me. Luckily, as I said before. The packaging was so good, it kept the plants pretty secure.
Lastly, even though Alocasias can be finicky, they were in transit for 4 or 5 days, so they did have a few yellowing leaves. After about 14 days now, they have recovered fully and are now acclimating well to their new space!

Courtney Walker
Just beautiful!

The plant arrived in perfect condition, which for Alocasias is AMAZING! She is gorgeous and so much bigger than expected.

Chelsea Benson

Packaged very well and arrived healthy with lots of leaves, even traveling all the way to PA! Will definitely buy from this shop again.