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4" Hoya Chouke


 Bright indirect light

 Allow soil to dry almost completely

 Pet friendly


This Hoya cultivar is a hybrid of Hoya carnosa and Hoya serpens.  This may sound familiar to you... as Hoya Mathilde came about from the same parents!  The difference is purely visual, with Hoya Chouke having slightly pointed leaves with an orange tinted corona.

Hoya Chouke care:

This Hoya plant prefers a well draining soil that is rich in organic matter.  Allow your plant to dry out completely before watering, taking care to not over water it.  Provide your new Hoya with plenty of bright indirect light for a happy and healthy plant.

General Hoya care instructions:

Beginner Guide To Hoya Care

Additional information:

Hoya, commonly referred to as "Wax Plant" is a genus consisting of over 500 species.

Hoyas are widely cultivated for their aromatic blooms and unique foliage.

They are native to tropical and subtropical areas all around the world. They can be found in Latin America, Asia, Australia, etc.

Mostly epiphytic, you'll find Hoyas love to climb trees in their natural habitats.

Hoyas have a large range of foliage shapes and textures. They can be found with elongated, deeply veined leaves to thin, narrow leaves and everything in between.

Most Hoya plants can be considered easy to care for, in fact, we've compiled a list of the Top 7 Easy To Care For Hoyas.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

I’m finally starting to receive some perfect Hoya from this company at first the Hoyas that I were getting wasn’t the best.. but they have done an 360

Krystle k

Came in great condition and IA already putting out many new leaves and vines

Regina French
Have to have

I have the mathilde's and just had to have this. Packaging is always great with Canopy.

Radhika Gollapudy
Beautiful plant

I loved the plant it was packed well , shipped soon and I would recommend this seller to anyone

Pia Ferrer
Cute plant

I received my order in great packaging as usual. Plants arrived in great shape. I love the texture and shape of this hoya and such a nice addition to my collection. Will be ordering more in the future.